We will meet at the McDonald’s at 13500 Russell Rd A, Quantico, VA 22134. Directions This is the McDonald’s located on base, at the rear gate next to the Exchange. Please remember to bring appropriate identification to get on base (you driver’s license is acceptable, other forms of government ID may also be).
We will meet at 16:00, The race starts at 17:30.
Our primary mission is eyes on the course to provide safety and back up the Marine Corps Marathon personnel. In the event of a downed runner, contact Start/Finish immediately. There will be an ambulance on site for the duration of the event under the command of Top Doc.
The Barnett/Elliot Road location is in the top right corner of the course where Elliot Road curves off from Barnett. The operator will keep an eye on runners coming up Barnett and heading back to the stadium along Elliot.
The Anderson/Catlin location will be at the corner where Anderson Avenue turns on to Catlin Ave. Again the operator will keep an eye on both sides of the course coming into the turn and heading up to Catlin.
The Barnett/Bordelon location is at the corer of those two streets.
This is a short loop course. A mobile will be able to hit the K3FBI repeater from most places on the course. An HT might be able to hit the repeater from some places on the course. Please plan to use a mobile or crossband for this event. A headset will be necessary at the Start/Finish and Water points.
Operational Parameters
We will operate on the K3FBI machine on 147.345+ and it has a PL 167.9. Failing that we will operate on simplex at 147.525, the normal ARES operational frequency. If you use cross-band, please use input at 445.950 PL 100.0 Hz and output at 147.525. These are channels 31 and 36 in the Quick Reference Guide.